I'm so EXCITED for my Seattle punk pals, wimps! The trio (Rachel Ratner, Matt Nyce, and Dave Ramm) have SO MUCH STUFF going on!
Let us begin with the brand-spankin'-new video the band released today, "Hello Frustration," taken from wimps' excellent "Repeat" album on End of Time Records. Directed by Matt Nyce, it is a jittery anti-love letter to modern-day neuroses, and reminds me of artist Louis Wain's schizophrenic cat paintings set to a snappy tune. That's a compliment, duh.
wimps, "Hello Frustration"
The band appeared along with several other nifty bands at Chop Suey's "Around The Block Party" last Sunday, a sort of alternative mini-fest for those music fans who either could not afford to attend the big Capitol Hill Block Party nearby, or did not care to navigate through the crowds of youthful party bros and giggle girls that perhaps could cause one to have a massive rolleyes attack on the spot, a dangerous malady indeed. Their set was short n' sweet, and I especially dug hearing several new songs and also spending a little time wondering, what is that on Rachel's chin? (Answer: 15-stitch bike crash bandage! She's OK, though!) I took some photographic images!!
(wimps Around The Block Party Flickr set 7/28/13)
I'm MOST excited to tell you that wimps are heading out East for a three-week "Certain Deaf" tour of the U.S. of A. (which with any luck will end up a lot better than Gilligan's "three-hour tour"). I hope if you are so lucky to live in or near a town where they are performing that you will attend the show, go buy some sweet merch, and maybe even offer them a few slices of your pizza. Don't give me that look; I KNOW you carry around cold pizza in your backpack or purse or your backpack purse! Tell them Marianne sent you! I don't think they will back away in frozen-smile horror. Anyway, check out the dates, and wimp on, people! Go have fun!