No burnt weenies, cold baked beans, and stale potato chips for me this Labor Day, nuh uh! Back I went to the Seattle Center for the third and final day of the Bumbershoot Music & Arts Festival to BBQ my MIND with awesome music! It was such a big day that I shall split the day into two posts in order that my eyes do not crumble into dust and fall out from photo processing. Call me proactive. (As usual, sweetiepies, click on the photos to enlarge and click on the Flickr links to see more!)
Man, I hustled like crazy to get out the door and over the trusty 520 floating bridge to get into town in time for Redd Kross' KEXP broadcast set at noon, but I missed it by just a few minutes, dammit. But I did get to settle in for the next one by alt-cons Superchunk! Their latest album on Merge Records is called I Hate Music, but you know what? I think they secretly like it! Shh!
Superchunk KEXP Bumbershoot Flickr set
Why am I always missing stuff?? Last April, I was bummed to get down to the Austin Psych Fest pre-party just as The Men were ending their eardrum-destroying, heart-exploding punk goodness, and I missed them when they played in Seattle awhile ago, too. So THIS time I WAS NOT going to mess up again! Good thing, as they RULED! Go get New Moon (2013) on Sacred Bones Records NOW -- it will surprise you with its musical diversity and smart lyrics.
The Men Bumbershoot Flickr set
Redd Kross! This time I wasn't late AT ALL! And do you know what??? This was my FAVORITE set of the WHOLE THREE DAYS!! Thank you, guys, so very much for coming back, releasing the fantastic Researching The Blues (which made my Top 15 Favorite Albums of 2012 list), and playing with such fun and joy that I just smiled the whole time. Just totally bless your hearts, and double-bless you for allowing a full-set photo shoot! I owe you all mega-hugs.
Redd Kross Bumbershoot Flickr set
While you are waiting for the rest of the Bumberphotos (which I SHOULD finish tomorrow!), feel free to check out the VERY NEAR PAST of Day One, Day Two Part One, and Day Two Part Two, too!