(Ed. - I am SO SO SO SO SO SO excited to begin bringing you coverage today of PIZZA FEST VI, Seattle's premier punk pizza party, which took place August 6-8. We start off now with Day One at the newly-relocated and reopened Funhouse, and the fabulous AJ Dentis onboard for Popthomology with her pithy review and spectacular photos so I could take some videos and take it (relatively) easy that night! Thank you, AJ -- you rule! Enjoy!)
The fact that everyone’s been
salivating for the return of Pizza Fest was clear on August 6th, because by
9pm, The Funhouse was
already slammed. No wonder: Pizza Riot’s debut performance was a suckerpunch
and a punchline all at once. A suckerpunchline. Their songs about “Instant
Parma” and poisoning Putin would no doubt earn fist pumps from Pussy Riot
themselves, their source of inspiration. Face masks and riptide riffs fueled
the freaky circus vibe of the venue, putting the night off to a perfect punky
start. I love bands who sound badass and make me laugh at the same time. Not
sure if they planned to be a one-off act, but I hope Pizza Riot makes more
appearances before next year’s bash.
Pizza Riot
Next up, Bod brought the prog. The four-piece threads
harmonies throughout warbling grunge waves; the sound is akin to watching rays
of sunshine pierce through treetops while tripping in a dark forest. You could
sink in like a shaman, headbang heartily, or anything in between to their
tunes. I’ve been digging Party Drug, their
first EP, loads this summer. Bod
I got to see Donzis for the first time that night, and it felt fitting.
This is classic spread-legged rock: growls and gnarling guitar solos,
crescendos fast as freeways, drums that go off like a rocket’s ejection seat.
And man, they make it look so easy. Great showmanship through every song, as
well as the t-shirt giveaway they did mid-set.
Speaking of showmanship, Full Toilet was overflowing with it as usual. Hard to
describe these guys without shaking your shoulders and just yelling, “Go see
them!” They’re obsessed with guns, hate themselves and one another, and play
with primal evil. Most of their songs are diarrhea-fast and about thirteen
seconds long. I still have Silly String on my shoe from when they sprayed it
into the crowd like a manic gun. (The guy in front of me in the crowd reached
up at one point to spray it again, and it hit his lady friend right in the eye.
I totally didn’t accidentally laugh at all or anything, I swear.) If there’s a
band out there that screams the word “fuck” more than Don Sheets does while on
stage, don’t let them know. The perma-aneurysm going on within him may become
self-aware, assume human form, and kill someone nearby. (Ed. - Video warning: language, butt. It's tempting, REAL DAMN TEMPTING, to play this at work, but maybe only after the boss skips off to play golf.)
Full Toilet
There are a ton of puns I could
drop surrounding the name Heaters, but I’m going to pretend to be mature for a
minute instead because these guys are gooood. Lofi surf jams with the backbone
of their Michigan homebase. Verby vocals riding rippling garage rock with a
whole lotta hair-shaking going on. Pick up Solsticefor
summer night drives and sharing spliffs on a rooftop. (Ed. - Always good to see an appearance by Vent Reznor. Ah ha ha ha.)
The final act of the night
was the inimitable CHILDBIRTH. I personally listen to “I Only Fucked
You As A Joke” and “How Do Girls
Even Do It?”
whenever I’m pissed because I’m a well-adjusted adult great at handling my
emotions. The trio complimented the theme of irreverent punk worthy of both
shoulder-shoves and knee-slaps. The mosh pit in front of the stage was a sight
for sore eyes. I can’t overstate how much I loved that eruption.
Pizza Fest is a place made for such magical things:
sweat, shouts, manic-depressive music, middle fingers, and of course, the
greatest grub to ever grace the earth. The first night’s bill could not have
been better for all of the above. Thanks to all who put it together, played,
and partied. See you back in the slime next year!
(Ed. - See you there next year, AJ, and see YOU back here for more coverage of PIZZA FEST VI Day Two and Day Three!!!)
I'm Marianne Spellman. I am in Seattle-ish. I like and make music and words and photos and videos and coffee and have crappy eyesight, like every other blogger. I do freelance thingies for cool people and places every so often.
How To Choose A Democrat Nominee For President in 2020: 1. Candidate Aligns With Your Personal Values 2. Candidate Is Personable and Well-Funded 3. Candidate Is Maybe Not An Old White Man 4. Candidate Is Of Fine Character 5. The Person Who Will Beat The Orange Moron So Thoroughly That He Will Deflate Into A Gooey Melted Circus Peanut
"Twenty Feet From Stardom" film (June 4, 2013 via Facebook): "We love this review!!"
Ko Melina, The Dirtbombs, SIRIUS XM Underground Garage DJ (September 6, 2012, via Twitter): "Awesome #Bumbershoot photos of the @DirtbombsBand by @mariannesp..."
Kathy Valentine, The Go-Gos (August 23, 2011, via Twitter):
"Cool blog review & candid concert pics that capture the day perfectly!"
Bill Oglesby , Saxophonist, "Coronado," Deerhunter, Halcyon Digest (February 16, 2011, via YouTube):
"Hi Marianne, I'm the sax player on this cut and I've been enjoying this wonderful video collage that you put together for months.
I consider it quite an honor that you chose Illinois Jacquet to represent me not that I would compare my playing to his in any way, but Jacquet was a real soul-cat.
Thank you."
Keith Gordon, Co-Star & WM BFF, "Winnebago Man" (July 11, 2010, via Facebook):
Without doubt, the BEST and only original music with 'Bago bytes remix ever done. So this is what I get to hear swirling around in my head for the next few days? Welcome aboard; I'm delighted!"
Joel Heller, Producer, "Winnebago Man" (July 11, 2010, via Facebook):
"We love your song Marianne."
Ira Robbins, Trouser Press (March 20, 2010, via Facebook):
"great piece of writing. i liked the film better and the band less, but no matter. this is top-notch cultural criticism. give this woman a job!"
Chris Walter (Feb. 15, 2010, via Diarrhea Island):
"Nice piece, thank you. And thanks to Graham. I think all the photographers had a great time up there, it is an excellent book and exhibition.
Graham Nash (Feb. 8, 2010, via Diarrhea Island):
"Thanks so much for your very perceptive review of the show at the EMP...... Let's not forget to give thanks to Paul Allen and the people of Seattle for supporting the arts....
Again, well done."
John Cleese (Nov. 4, 2009, via Facebook):
"Nice review of the show by a real person."
God (Aug. 28, 2009, via Twitter):
"Listen, honey, if you weren't a chick you would so be smote right now."
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