It's late, I am hungry, so I am eating a bagel with peanut butter and a little honey drizzled on top.
-- I never had the opportunity to purchase or eat a bagel until I was an adult.
-- All peanut butter used to come in glass jars and it all had the oil on top.
-- We used to get our honey from a farm down the road.
-- Toasted bagels always rule over cold bagels.
-- Bagels are a high glycemic index food, and I don't eat them often.
-- My favorite thing on a bagel is lox, cream cheese, tomato, and onion.
-- Peanut butter is American.
-- Peanut butter is high calorie, but a good protein.
-- I hate bees.
-- I used to make honey and butter sandwiches.
-- One of my children does not like peanut butter.
-- I've watched bagels being made from scratch.
-- This is one of the lazier blogs I have ever done.
Nite nite.