I bleev I have mentioned in the mass of words here that my friend Geoff Edgers of The Boston Globe is making a documentary about, around, over, under, and sideways down about my other pals, The Kinks. It is a worthy and good project, unique in its personal perspective, funny and thoughtful and informative.
The film is finishing up shooting next month, then goes for the final edit in May. But like any substantial project, it needs more than sharp editing and a good story to tell and ace direction, which is has already. It needs $$ and PROMOTION. My three children and tireless cheap jeans shopping soak up most of my available extra cash, but MAN, CAN I PROMOTE. I am the Patron Saintress of Cheering On Those Who Want To Make Good Things Happen, and I can try to help get some buzz going for the film as best I can.
If you, too, like to see a dream or two happen, like good films, like the Kinks, like Geoff and The Boston Globe, like me and what I try to do, like...well, if you like anything at all in the entire world and want to help spread the word about the film, that would be grand. Write about it in your blog, email your rock pals, your movie pals, your grandma who will say OH THAT'S NICE DEAR really loud because she can't hear for shit, join the movie's page on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Do-It-Again-One-Mans-Quest-to-Reunite-the-Kinks/60772017075?ref=nf), or comment on the trailer on YouTube after you watch it:
I am Marianne, and I thank you for supporting my support of Geoff's support.