I might not go so far as to say I am a shopaholic, but I clearly have been on a bit of a jag. Oh, it is so fun, and I am not going to debtor's prison or anything, so it's fine. Really.
Today I went into the hip-n-gritty Capitol Hill section of Seattle. Everyone was dressed like me; that is, like a weirdo rockstar/hipster and/or homeless. I felt comfortable. If I lived in Seattle proper instead of Seattle-ish, I would probably get even paler and more unbearably cool, so maybe it is good I am stuck in a mild-mannered suburb.
Ate at a tiny restaurant called Table 219, which was filled with good-looking quirky people with scarves and odd shoes and hats and similar flair items. I had on a weird gothy coat, a scarf, AND my sparkly silver shoes, so I think I won the battle of the trendfailers. Anyway, I had a very yummy ham-brie-apple omelet with grilled toast and fat crunchy potato chunks and tasty coffee. Afterwards, we walked down to Urban Outfitters so I could do a survey of items. MissSix transfixed herself with a book featuring incredibly cool cupcakes that I would never have the patience nor artistry to make while I combed the store. Lots of like stuff, but nothing I was compelled to purchase. I have to REALLY like something to pay retail. Huh.
After another fuel up with a weird tasting Thai iced tea, we headed back over the 520 bridge towards home, but I was still in shop mode so then it was deep into strip mall land to the Marshall's. I never fail to find something good at this store, and there are always strange and unusual people there who talk loudly about things.
I did well, oh hell yes I did, because I found THREE Free People items. This makes me giddy. CHECK IT OUT:
-- pearl grey hoodie with a blue satin #6 on the front: $168.00 retail, I PAID $29.99
-- poppy tissue-thin cardigan: $88.00 retail, I PAID $19.99
-- charcoal black sweatpants with a hot pink ribbon tie: $98.00 retail, I PAID $14.99
JOY. I tells ya, when I can get my favorite clothes for those prices, you might as well tell me I won the Pulitzer. Well, not really, but this is as good as I can get for now. A cool black Vera Wang PJ set, a cute white shrug, an orange camisole, a soft chunky orange-and-brown knit scarf, and some school clothes for MissSix rounded out the purchases, just over 200 bucks. Not bad, not bad at all.
Once again, the fitting room proved the Conversation Pit, as we had a family of Canadian women loudly trying on many pieces of clothing:
Mother: I have two sizes of jeans in my closet, the ten pounds off and the ten pounds on ones.
Daughter #1: Oh, I know! And all these jeans fit differently, no matter what the size says! It's so frustrating! Look at these True Religions. These are a 9, but I'm going to try an 11. I have a 9 in them at home, but I hear there are all different cuts according to style, even in the same company! I looked it up on the internet.
Mother: Yes! I don't know why they do that.
Daughter #2: These are a 7.
Mother: Oh, those look great. You should definitely get them.
Daughter #1: I hate you! I used to wear a 7.
Daughter #2: Well, you could if you stopped eating off my plate.
Daughter #1: YOU WERE DONE!
Daughter #2: No I wasn't! I never said I was done! I was going to finish the fries!
Mother: GIRLS...
Grandma: Does anyone know where the restroom is?
Mother: Mom, I will take you as soon as I am done here.
Grandma: Hmph.
They all ended up standing behind me in the checkout line, and a fashionable bunch they were, with blown-out hair and expensive shoes and big chunky purses too. Please enjoy our weak dollar, Canadian women, and our delicious French fries.
I could have kept on going to Nordstrom Rack, but ended my jag there. You have to save some thrills for another day.