Every so often, it is good to express random appreciation. So today I give a round of applause to:
Paul McCartney: for having the strength to play such a massive gig like Coachella on the 11th anniversary of his wife Linda's death and still put on a great show, for still getting out there despite criticism and mistakes and personal heartache, for still caring about music and showing people a good time.
Stephen Hawking: for being a genius with a wicked sense of humor, and showing the world that his disability was never going to kick his ass,and bringing a sense of wonder to millions.
My Dog, Ellie: she is so nice.
Longboat Key, Sarasota, Florida: that one part of the beach you can only get to from the parking lot across from the Chevron station, where it is quiet and clean, with powder white sand, and pretty shells, bluest skies, and gentle waves. Ahhhh.
Apple: for building the coolest stuff, and caring about design too.
The Nation Of Finland: for producing the best disco dancers in the world.
The City Of New York: You are wonderful, and my son fell in love with you as well. Good job being so awesome. I don't care what anyone else says about you, I like you just the way you are.
Ghiradelli Double Chocolate Brownie Mix: this never ever fails to impress, making people drool and wax poetic about the brownies for years afterward. Little powdered sugar over the top sends them into the gastronomic stratosphere. Nom nom nomic.
Coffee: Almost good enough to start a religion over.
President Barack Obama: I like smart people.
Sarah Lavely & Ed King: for coming up with the brilliant "Sarah's Smash Shack" in San Diego, CA., a place where you can safely release your pent up aggression and anger by breaking cool stuff like plates with your boss' name on them or any stuff you wish to bring in. No smashing real people, though. http://www.smashshack.com/
I encourage everyone to take some time today and appreciate something publicly, whatever it may be, whether it's your wife's incredible fried chicken, the guy who uses his directionals in traffic flawlessly, or whomever it was who pulled that Beyonce iso audio from the Today show. Kudos!