It took me most of the day to get over the dulling effects of two glasses of white wine last night. I rarely drink, partially because of this. It just takes up too much bandwidth. But the wine was good and fun -- I just can't imagine regularly using a central nervous system depressant of any kind of regular basis. Shit gets old.
Eventually, I shaped up and headed outside on a very pretty day with the kiddies and the dog for a stop at the OOGCP, the rock haircut place, and a local beach. All easy and pleasant. But what did I get the most excited about? Right as we were walking back to the car after getting all wet, smelly, and sandy at the beach, who is seen walking into the OOGCP? MR. AND MRS. HOLLYWOOD!!! OH, YAY!!!! I really thought they had gone away for good, but BY GOD, there they were! And OH YES, Mrs. Hollywood was wearing her signature Pucci jumpsuit, strappy stilettos, and flippy ash blonde wig, and Mr. was rocking the bright blue track suit with a leather coat over it. I must have looked like a complete nut, walking a huge wet black dog, trailing two kids with fresh haircuts and brown dirty wet sand all over them, and smiling this giddy grin at two flamboyantly-dressed elderly people going to get an afternoon coffee.
I like it. I like it more than three glasses of wine.