Why oh why oh why
December 22nd
Do I shop Target?

There are no carts there
There are no parking spaces
Civility lost.

I search the store now
Trying to get ideas
I buy underwear.

Jeans! Who wants some jeans!
Boot cut! Slim fit! Distressed! Wow!
Everyone needs pants.

Shiny beeping mess
Toy department to my right
I will not enter.

A woman bumps me
Excuse me! she says; I say
It matters not, ha!

Man in a parka
Rocking a muddy mullet
Smells like beef jerky.

Oh no! A cart jam
Now in the CD section
People buy music?

Should I buy that black-
And-white striped dress that I liked?
No! It is too sheer.

Wrapping paper is
Very expensive, really
For two seconds on.

Cheese, crackers, cashews
These things remind me that I
Didn’t eat today.

Haw haw I blab at
The register with the guy
400 bucks? SHIT!

VISA card pays and
I must take my leave, going
Into bad traffic.

Goodbye Target! I
Will see you again when I
Recover someday.