I don't recall how the topic came up and probably shouldn't, but the other day I opined to some friends that I would like to make a video of nothing but William Conrad running, as he appeared on the 1970s TV detective series "Cannon." Why? Well, to be blunt, Conrad was a man of girth and always looked awkward when waddling around after criminals with a teeny pistol. Yet he made it through every show. Bless him. Unfortunately, there's not much vintage "Cannon" footage up on YouTube for me to pilfer, so my simple and stupid idea was thwarted, dammit. But don't you worry.
If you do not recall this odd cinematic fact, the '70s spawned a spate of the genre that was dubbed the "disaster film." People flocked like gawking lemmings to films like "Airport" (don't confuse that with "Airplane," you), "The Poseidon Adventure," "The Towering Inferno," "Earthquake," and I would actually throw "Jaws" in there as well. Anyway, William Conrad also did a crap-ton of voice-over work, and his dramatic and sonorous voice was employed to narrate a series of disaster news clip films. I believe there are entire cable channels devoted to this sort of thing now.
One of Conrad's disaster films was pilfered. And the audio from another little project he did, a novelty Christmas recording (I am not kidding) was pilfered. And I combined them in a few hasty minutes to make a video even stupider than the one I set out to do. I call that a win.
*This film contains language that may get you fired, upset your mother, corrupt your children, or offend.
William Conrad's Very Bad Day
William Conrad had a marvelous sense of humor, and was a delightful actor. RIP, sir, and I hope the cows are better now, wherever you are.