We continue on with the final day of the 2011 Bumbershoot Music & Arts Festival, a very sunny and warm September 5th. Leaving the Starbucks Stage after seeing Ian Moore and the Lossy Coils, I got approximately 200 feet before I thought, WHY, THERE'S A BENCH IN THE SHADE, and I sat down to reorganize my camera gear and my MIND. A big festival such as Bumbershoot provides an overwhelming amount of choices; my job was to see as much as I could while still having downtime and not turning into a pile of hot carbon particles in Nikes. So I then met up at said bench with my lovely friend Sara and gave her my extra Gold Pass to use for the rest of the day. She told me later that it was totally cool to be able to go into the Gold Lounge to eat some free pizza and use a nice big clean bathroom. I understood and agreed.
We parted and I allowed myself a few moments at the Indie Market. I would have bought everything, had I been able to carry it. Note to self: next year, figure out what to do about that.
I promised myself I would pop into Flatstock again, because this is the coolest exhibit and sale of custom-designed and printed rock and event posters EVER. Talk about overwhelming: I loved EVERY single poster there! I really wish I would have bought the coffee one and just taped it to my back for the rest of the night.
Then it was off again to the Fisher Green Stage to NOT MISS seeing Charles Bradley. Now here's a guy you can really cheer on: at age 63, and after a difficult life spent moving back and forth across the country, working as a chef and getting pickup musical gigs as he could, he's finally achieving the acclaim he had always hoped might be his since childhood. His very first album, No Time For Dreaming, is available on Daptone Records, and reminds me so strongly of the early-'70s golden years of soul music, before urban music was diluted by silly fluffy disco.
Charles honed his James Brown skills as "Black Velvet" onstage for years, and this was very evident in his style and dance moves, which were delightful. Something that was also evident was his complete graciousness and gratitude towards the audience, particularly as a long line of thrilled fans, young and old, stood to meet him and have things signed by him after his show.
(Charles Bradley Flickr set)
Next, I went over to the nearby Fountain Lawn Stage with my new photog friend Shawn, who was going over there to shoot Sharon Van Etten. My friend Sara said she was also going to be there; when I asked her what kind of music Van Etten played, Sara replied, "Vagina music." Ahhh, I said. She writes a lot of melancholic heartbreak lyrics, performed sparsely, but her stage presence was sweet and affable. Those sweet, affable girls always seem to get their hearts broken, don't they? Lovely Sharon drew a sizable crowd and plenty of photographers, too.
(Sharon Van Etten Flickr set)
Another walk back to the Fisher Green Stage for alt-grunge legends Urge Overkill, and some more people watching on the way, and another great chat with a new pal, dear @badrobot68.
Last pile-in to the pit for me as Urge Overkill hit raw sonic overload! They've just released Rock n' Roll Submarine, their first album since 1995.
After our 3-song shoot limit was done, photogs Zach, Shawn, Colby, Jill, and myself threaded through the crowd to the beer garden to watch the rest of the set from there. It was the first and only beer I had the entire weekend and MY GOD it tasted good!
(Urge Overkill Flickr set)
The others set out to shoot a couple more shows, but that was it for me. Jill pointed me towards the exit and I went on my way (not before nomming some pizza and going to the Gold Bathroom), Bumbershoot 2011 wrapped, done, and just a whole lot of fun. One final Bumberpost tomorrow, with Hot Tips and Many Thanks!