Ooh, ooh, ooh, how excited was I for Day 2 of Bumbershoot this year? Well, very, because I had some RED HOT garage rock bands to see, and garage rock is my favorite thing in the world outside of cheese, the sun, and whining about the GOP. My plans for the day didn't go quite as I had hoped in the end, but no matter, and I shall go into more about that tomorrow. It was nothing less that STRAIGHT UP BALLA that I got to see Davila 666 twice (!!) and finally got to see Thee Oh Sees. Happy happy joy joy!
Davila 666's set at the cavernous Exhibition Hall at 1PM was first on my list for the day after I arrived. I knew I had to see these guys live after I reviewed Scion AV's documentary "New Garage Explosion!!: In Love With These Times" for Back Beat Seattle. Catchy, loud, sweaty, powerful fun. I'm there! The lighting in the hall was mostly the HATED RED, but the band was red hot. How often do you get to see a garage rock band from Puerto Rico, huh?
(Davila 666 Exhibition Hall Flickr set)
Had to cut my time short to run over to see a reading by Pamela Des Barres (more tomorrow), but since I knew I'd be seeing Davila again in a few hours, s'ok.
After Miss Pamela, a run down the hill to get into the pit for Thee Oh Sees, the garage rocker's garage band. Lead Oh See John Dwyer is a photographer's dream as well. He mugs, jumps, thrashes, grins, and grimaces, all the while playing an assortment of the coolest bizarre guitars ever, held up nearly to his neck at all times. And to my delight and surprise, who is playing a second set of drums right in front of me? Well, there's Lars Finberg from Intelligence! Hi, Lars! (I just saw Intelligence a short time ago, and was very flattered when Lars contacted me to ask if he could put some of my photos up on their Facebook. Lars is also the new recipient of the Stranger's Genius Award, too -- congrats!)
(Thee Oh Sees Flickr set)
Once again, run run run over to the secret KEXP Music Lounge in time to catch Davila's second set. This was my first time in the live-broadcast Lounge, and it was WAY cool. There's a very limited amount of seats, so fans have to snare tickets way in advance for each Bumbershoot set performed there. Because I had my photo pass, I was able to go in early. May I just say: THAT RULED! Thanks, KEXP!
Fan-friggin'-tastic! As we all made our way out of the Lounge, several of the band members came down to the exit by the end of the stage to shake hands, pose for photos, and the like. Many of the fans greeted them in Spanish. Lead singer Carlito very nicely shook my hand and thanked me after I thanked him for two fun shows. How nice is that?
(Davila 666 KEXP Flickr set)
More Bumbering tomorrow!