Please use a #2 pencil, and per GOP rules you are allowed to cheat but must make somewhat of an attempt not to be caught. OK? Begin!
1/5: You are either a Communist or a Socialist, and are a disgrace to the United States of America.
2/5: You are a Democrat, and should go join your liberal hippie friends who got 1/5 and go back to Africa or France or Vancouver.
3/5: You are a Libertarian, and might be a touch too kooky for voters, or not kooky enough. Keep trying.
4/5: You are a Moderate Republican, and are too boring to vote for.
5/5: Congratulations! You are ready to step up into the well-paid world of corporate, er, public service in the Republican Party! Now go play some golf with some "job creators," hee hee!