Unless you've been hiding under a blanket the last few days, no doubt you have heard of the ruckus  at the University of California - Davis. A police officer, Lt. John Pike, was filmed casually pepper spraying a sitting group of peaceful, non-threatening Occupy protestors, point-blank. It is a horrifying image of needless, pointless police action: brutal, callous, and a clear abuse of power.

While UC - Davis figures out whose heads are going to roll over this one, in the meantime our friend The Internet has come up with a brilliant black-humored take on the situation. Lt. Pike, or "Sgt. Pepperspray" as we now might refer to him, has become a Photoshop meme, pepper spraying figures in great works of art, famous historical scenes, and the like. I figured I would join in.

For tonight's bedtime story, please consider sharing these "Sgt. Pepperspray's Mother Goose" rhymes with your kiddies! Please to enjoy! (Click on the pics to enlarge)