Unless you are as massively wealthy and as lacking in empathy and balanced economic vision as Romney or as shockingly, cruelly, irrationally extremist as Santorum, you should be voting for Barack Obama in 2012 for president. I'm not giving you the option not to vote at all, America, or you can just high-tail it over to a country like Saudi Arabia where you can get your fill of super-wealthy mega-extremists and no human rights. I understand and agree that Obama's political record is imperfect (he's too moderate and calm for me), but he personally stands SO far above the other options we will be provided at the voting booth that there's no question of what is the right choice to make. If you'd like to argue this with me, you can take me out to a super-expensive dinner in Bora Bora (because you'll be that massively wealthy) or bring your repressive, hater god along with you to make your points (because you are that delusional). No, it can't be a big cardboard cut-out.
With that all settled now, I say let's have some fun supporting the Obama-Biden campaign, because they actually have a sense of humor, too, and MY GOODNESS, could we all use a little of that! These are my favorite items from the Obama-Biden 2012 shop. I'll be picking up a few things, and you should too.
This shirt is going in my cart TODAY! I love it.
Joe Biden's BFD moment
President Obama's BFD joke
And continuing with Biden-mania...how about a Joe-pack?
And finally, put those nutty "birther" freaks like Donald Trump and Sheriff Joe Arpaio in their places with your own Obama "Made in the USA" mug and shirt!