OK, now it's just completely and utterly WRONG WRONG WRONG that: ONE, you might not be familiar with the completely charming, catchy, sweet, and cool "Am I Wrong" by San Francisco-based garagerockpopper Mikal Cronin and; TWO, you can't even BUY this song if you wanted to!!! AIIEEE! In a just and sane world, "Am I Wrong" would be #1 all over the whirled, with grannies and tots and formerly-gloomy teens humming it to themselves while going about their biz-nii. " The song to me sounds like Cronin could be the bastard son of Harry Nilsson, but with his DNA run through a fuzzbox. In other words, that's a YES YES YES!
I know this song because as an attendee of 2012's Bruise Cruise, I was able to snare it as a split 7" exclusive promo item for the boaty-boat-boat-boat-goers (King Khan and the Shrines excellent "Bite My Tongue" is on the flipside). Out of the entire festival, Cronin's set was my favorite. I am waaaay impressed with his songwriting chops, and he's really fun to watch live, too. One to watch, kiddies, one to watch. My hope is that "Am I Wrong" surfaces again in Cronin's catalogue, but until then my little contribution to keeping it floating in the air is this modest retro pool party video, done in my retro YouTube old film pilfering style. You people out there with old home movies? KEEP POSTING 'EM UP, TIA.
Mikal Cronin, "Am I Wrong"
Please make sure you pick up Mikal Cronin's self-titled debut album HERE on Trouble in Mind Records, or via your local record store or the digitally-efficient iTunes or Amazon.
(photo by yours truly, Bruise Cruise, February 12, 2012)