Oh fun fun fun fun times -- another thrift store run! We spent a quick few minutes combing through for goodies to share with you today, and here's the proof!
This painting of Grandma Somebody is five bucks, and it's SO coming home with me. I'm not kidding.
Ah, the ribald comedy stylings of Rusty Warren. I really don't think Mrs. Snooty Blonde likes it, if anyone ever asked her.
What. Is. It?
Pick one. Go ahead. You can't lose here.
Also, this plush dresser and headboard set is so so so so so FLY that you can't even DEAL.
Mary & Child snowglobe stars love thing.
A monkey in a rowboat.
When I think "condiments," I think "ALASKA!"
MissNine: "Oh, THIS has "Grandma" written ALL over it."
Used pantyhose and underwear! DIG IN, SHOPPERS!
Now YOU can own this painting of someone's condo and/or garage.
MissNine: "Hey, Mom! This looks just like you as a kid!" Oh, yeah? Well, guess what, M9? You look just like me! PSYCH!!!!
Midnight the Southern Moon Horse is jaunty.
What does it say if you wear this pin?
And finally...expired stool softener and Chanuka candles.