Lucky me while I am here in Florida to get to attend not just ONE show by the groovy Jacuzzi Boys, but TWO! The show at Miami's Ricochet Lounge was RAMPED and AMPED from the bar patrons already hyped on a Miami Heat win and Ladies' Night drink specials, and was further fueled by a JBs hometown crowd and no space at all between the band and the crowd. Because of general wild abandon, your intrepid visiting photographer, me, ended up shooting most of the set crouching next to the drums, which were on a small riser stage. This broke one of my general rules, which is "try to be inconspicuous," but honestly, it was all so nutty and fun I don't think anyone even cared.
I hope you enjoy the photos I wrangled, some here and more on Flickr. Many, many thanks to the ever-gracious Jacuzzi Boys for yet another incredible night 'o fun!