Well, bless my dear similarly-twisted Young Couch Adult for passing this vintage 1984 kids' safety video clip on to me. "Strong Kids, Safe Kids" could not look more '80s (Mullets? The Fonz? Smurfs? Overalls?) but the AMAZINGNESS kicks in at around 1:22 into section of the film with a song, once you've heard it, you will never forget. Do NOT play this around anyone, because you will get fired or someone will spit-take hot coffee all over your neck and you'll have to go to the ER.
The video...
and the lyrics...
Is what boys have down in front.
Is the word though it seems blunt.
All boys have a penis, so no matter what you've heard
Remember that penis, is the proper word.
Is what girls have down below.
Vulva, when she's naked it will show.
All girls have a vulva, so no matter what you've heard
Remember that vulva, is the proper word.
Both boys and girls have breasts, each person recognizes.
They're found upon our chests, and grow to different sizes.
Our anus, is a useful thing indeed.
The anus, gives relief in time of need.
We all have an anus, so no matter what you've heard
Remember that anus, is the proper word.
So don't be appalled, 'cause thats what they're called, and each of them's a proper word!