It's my last full day here in Wisconsin on our annual summer vacation and it's certainly been a lovely trip, made even more AWESOME through several visits to local thrift shops looking for goodies! The found album covers have not failed to thrill me and one more time from America's Share-y-land, I bring them to you! Please to enjoy!
I know I often sit just like this around the house, don't you?
I am sure Zdrazil Z-dazzled with his "TV-Recording Orchestra."
I laughed for about five minutes straight after reading the first two song titles in succession: "He Touched Me" and "I've Checked My Gear."
On a possibly creepily related note...
Clearly one of the blessings were these suits.
I bet you could drive away your neighbors with this.
JIM!!! You should meet PHIL!!!!! JIM!!!!
You cannot stop Don Gibson from touching the morning because THAT'S WHAT HE WILL DO!!!
Sorry, Care Bears, we've already promised not to tell.
And finally, my very favorite, which I HAD TO BUY!!! EXCITING!!!!