Prior to the advent of internet social media contests, the biggest thing I won randomly was a set of towels at my 1st grade school carnival, and I was THRILLED. It may or may not frighten you to know that I still own some of them. But man...I just won something REALLY REALLY SO much better than towels: an Epiphone Limited Edition 50th Anniversary "1961" Casino TD guitar, signed by VERY MEGA-COOL YET WHITE-HOT guitar blues-blast machine/man, Reignwolf (aka Jordan Cook)!! Right before Seattle's Capitol Hill Block Party, a big annual festival known for awesome bands and general insanity, a verrrryyyy interesting tweet came by as I was perusing my Twitter stream: a contest to win the above guitar, courtesy Epiphone, Gibson Seattle, RockSmith video games, and the CHBP. What the heck, I said to myself, I'll enter, just takes a sec, and BAM! In the most random of randoms, I ended up winning! WHAT? REALLY? Well, YAY!