A timeline...
First child, on his 10th birthday, 2001: "Mom, can I spend my birthday money?"
Me: "You have to put half of it in a savings account, and the other half has to be something useful or educational."
Second child, on his 10th birthday, 2008: "Mom, can I buy a videogame with my birthday money?"
Me: "Well...okaaaay, but it can't be violent or stupid."
Third child, on her 10th birthday, 2012: "Mom, can I spend my birthday money on getting my hair dip dyed?"
Me: "What? Oh, yeah, sure, go for it!"
So today, Arty Fashion Girl Miss Ten and I went to see my lovely and talented hair stylist Britney H. at Salon Tewl in Bellevue, WA. to get our hairs all dones -- me, my standard hot red and blonde, and Miss Ten, a blue/purple tie dye fade out at the ends of her hair. Of course, she had never been in a salon to get her hair dyed before, so she was both excited and nervous.
Mama goes first. Miss Ten waits patiently.
The Dynamic Dryer Duo! She was worried the dryer would be too hot or would suck her brains out. She seemed relieved to find out neither concern came true.
A trim and a blowout.
Painting. Saran Wrap keeps the colors from touching each other.
More waiting...rinsing...drying...and DIP DYE DONE! The photos don't do it justice. It's really pretty.
Afterwards, we celebrated with a late sushi lunch and dessert at the coffee shop. Miss Ten was a very happy girl with her new fun hair, and happy is good.
Barbie Color n' Curl Vintage TV Commercial