In perusing some late-'40s-era movie mags I picked up while thrifting last summer, I was very amused and horrified to read these ads for women's hygiene products. I'm sure if I were a young woman during that time (like my mom was), after spending my 15 cents and then reading "Screen Romances" or "Modern Screen," I would've come away knowing more about dashing young B-movie heartthrob Ronald Reagan, how to cut my hair like Ingrid Bergman, and that I just stunk to high heaven from every orifice and this is the cause of all my problems in life and why I need to be ever-vigilant lest I drive away men in droves. Holy crap. Check this shame party out! (Click on the pictures to enlarge)
"NO ROTTED DRESSES..." wow! That bad?? Jeez. Definitely better get some of that awesome Veto. And remember, girls become popular, get flowers and keep a boyfriend if they use Mum!
Brush your teeth with Colgate and GET A MAN!!
And finally, these mind-blowing ads blaming women for their bad marriages because of female stench problems! WOW. Just wow.