My daughter often asks me as I pick her up from school in the afternoon if we can go to a local park for awhile. Almost always, I have to say no; there are errands to run, classes to attend, homework to do, dinners to cook. But today, as the rain took a break, I said yes. We pulled into Juanita Bay Park in Kirkland, WA. to find it mainly deserted, apart from a few joggers and dog walkers here and there. We walked around, marveling at the last of the fall leaves, the colors, the little spots of neon green grass growing the shade of a tremendous dark pine tree, and the peacefulness of it all. We talked about photography and kinds of moss and animals that might be living in an old hollow log. But most of all, we had a nice time just being together.
I took some photos along the way. Please to enjoy.