You may recall a few months ago I was rather joyous to have discovered the fabulous "found music" site, The Other Side of Music. This led me to the marvelous monotone of Melvin G. Fromm, Jr., and I was so moved that I made a video for his song, "Bowled A Strike." Well, I am delighted to say that another song of Mr. Fromm's has again touched my creative heart, so today I bring to you his own "Love Clogged My Heart." Besides having an undeniably unique way with words, you must admit that Fromm may be the most consistent singer in the world. Note: if you have a sensitive constitution, as I myself do, you may be somewhat upset by a particular visual in this video, but,'ll see why it really had to be included. Please (try) to enjoy!
Melvin G Fromm, Jr., "Love Clogged My Heart"