I will state right away here that I am NO fan of gristly pop shrew Madonna; never have been, never will be. However, I can really delight in her image as produced by a few enthusiastic-yet-marginally-talented fan artists. I thought I would share a few artistic renderings of ol' Madge for you to similarly be entertained by, via the depths of the interhaps. Please to enjoy!
Madonna...or Symbionese-Liberation-Army-era Patty Hearst?
This looks a lot like a terrible nightmare I once had after eating at Red Lobster and then watching the Grammys.
Am I missing something here?? Is that black thing supposed to be a microphone? It looks to me more like she let her beard grow in.
Misspelled hero name? Priceless.
I...I don't know what happened here.
I thought this was a photograph at first glance!
What's going on there to the right? Did some dust just fall out of her vagoomba??
Here's another artist's attempt at #3. I think it resembles the mid-period work of Pablo Picasso, if he were drawing a a heavily-made-up mule in a blond wig.
Madonna With Severe Underbite and Witch Nose.
Madonna Joins Kiss For Easy Money Grab Tour!
Madonna Gains 100 Pounds And Lindsay Lohan's Plastic Surgeon!
Either the artist is unaware that Madge's left eye is seriously lower and larger than her right eye, or there's been a stroke.
I let out such a loud guffaw when I saw this that I gave myself a headache.
Madonna as discount blow-up doll.