I feel like 2013 is shaping up to be the BIGGEST YEAR EVER for GOAT APPRECIATION! Today, I'd like to bring you some springy Eastery themed videos featuring the epic nature battles of BUNNIES VS. GOATS! Please to enjoy! GOATS!
But this bunny DOMINATES.
Deranged Rabbit Vs. Goat
This bunny is clearly enjoying making the small goat dizzy.
Bunny Vs. Goat Loop
This Peyton-Place-style barnyard is tense with bunny and goat drama! Notice how the fancy chicken bows out almost immediately, too fancy to engage in direct conflict.
Bunnies Vs. Goats (Fancy Chicken too)
And finally, this bunny doesn't give one tiny PELLET that Julie Andrews in the shape of a stuffed goat is sitting next to it and singing. NOT ONE.
Bunny Vs. Julie Andrews Goat