The United States of America*, a rapidly-growing country of approximately 314,914,040, of which 169,000,000 are registered voters, is seeking highly-motivated, intelligent, team-oriented men and women to serve their nation in the high-profile, full-time, voter-renewable capacity of Congressperson. These positions are based in Washington, D.C., a vibrant, fast-paced city known for its many vital American institutions and landmarks and Power-Broker Happy Hours. The job provides the following benefits:
- Annual salary of $174,200 (Majority and Minority Leaders receive $193,400; Speaker of the House receives $223,500) with an annual cost-of-living increase;
- Pension and other Retirement benefits;
- Health and Life Insurance benefits;
- A Members' Representational Allowance (MRA) for personnel, office, and mail allowances, with an average allowance per member per year of $1,353,205;
- Free federal building office space in Washington, D.C. and members' home states, ranging from 5000-8000 square feet, completely furnished, plus allowance for a Mobile Office Space;
- Innumerable other perks, such a designated parking, dedicated underlings, and good restaurant seating.
- Be able to read and write at a college level, be able to fully understand as well as draft complex legislative documents, and be able to speak at length about these documents;
- Keep current with ongoing State, National, and World news;
- Have a strong interest in protecting and providing for the overall well-being, safety, and human rights of all the citizens of their States, the Nation, and the World;
- Will be able to transition successfully between roles as a flexible member of a team and a dynamic, persuasive leader;
- Will be responsive to the issues and concerns of all of their constituents;
- Will conduct themselves in a manner befitting a representative of of the people and the trust those people place therein, including the ability to completely avoid sex scandals, party-line sheep voting, media blocking, the necessity to attend a rehab facility, bloated progress-retarding filibusters, and hostile, ignorant, sexist, racist, homophobic, or vulgar expressions;
- Will accept no illegal compensation of any kind, now or promised in the future, from powerful lobbyists, underhanded corporations, or deep-pocketed creepy campaign donors; must have unshakable and "un-buyable" personal integrity;
- Will tell the truth to the American people, even though it may be received poorly, be unpopular, or may cost the Congressperson a second term in office;
- Must be a person of determination, vision, strength and action in the face of endemic corruption and extreme, constant political and personal pressure.