For any Seattle-area music fans into garage rock, garage punk, garage soul, or IN FACT anyone who likes to lie down in an actual concrete garage floor and do the Worm to The Sonics' "Psycho" every so often just for fun, Friday, July 12, 2013 is a BIG DAY. Shout it from every rooftop, cats and catties -- Oblivians are coming to Neumos!!!
Why is this such a big stinkin' deal, you ask, you sassy thangs? Let me count just a few of the ways:
1. Because Oblivians, consisting of Greg Cartwright (Compulsive Gamblers, Reigning Sound), Jack Yarber (Compulsive Gamblers, Tennessee Tearjerkers), and Eric Friedl (The Bad Times; co-founder of Goner Records), put out a handful of now-classic three-chord-bash-punk-meets-Southern-R&B records in the mid-'90s, rawer that sandpaper on a sunburn, making them beloved heroes of Le Garage in the time when grunge was grabbing the bigger rock spotlight. They broke up after a few years of excellence and all went on to do other great things, but...OBLIVIANS!! HELL YES!
Oblivians, "Kick Your Ass"
2. Because the band just recorded their first new album in FIFTEEN DAMN YEARS, called "Desperation" (In The Red), and it is one my fave records of the year.
Oblivians, "Desperation" (full album playlist)
3. Because there isn't any band in Seattle on Friday night that is going to be more fun, more authentic, and more inspiring for you to be all rip-your-shirt-off-and-chug-some crazy than these guys. I'm telling you the FACTS, and you should listen, because you love rock n' roll like I do. We are really, really lucky to be able to see these guys play live, and you don't want to wait another fifteen years, do ya? I wouldn't be anywhere else. Look!
Oblivians, "Pill Popper," live 2013
Add in support from our slammin' locals The Fucking Eagles (one of my favorite band names of all time) and Dude York and this is one of those Best. Night. Ever! kind of deals.
OBLIVIANS!!! HELL YES!!! See you there!
Oblivians, The Fucking Eagles, Dude York
7/12/13, 8PM, $15 (21+)
925 E. Pike Street
Seattle, Washington 98122