Sometimes I think there's a little thrift store gremlin that magically refills the used LP bin with strange and wonderful records every week JUST FOR ME. Either that, or people died and their relatives gave away their stuff. In any case, here are more unusual covers from olden times! Please to enjoy!!
Unless this came with several dancing blow-up dolls, I don't feel this would be wholly satisfying for the purchaser, really.
I am hoping both sides of record contain a 34-minute version of "Smoke On The Water."
Polka surely must be the happiest music in the world. Why, on this record alone we have "Friendly Polka," "Party Polka," and "Happy Polka!" Polkazac!
If you should find yourself too happy after listening to "Polka Polka Polka," you could always play this one next. Dang.
"Song Chang Sik, everybody knows one, Song Chang Sik, every garden grows one..."
I'm going to assume this untitled effort is nothing but cowboy/herd methane outputs set to a loping Western beat.
I am curious as to why more bands don't cover "Donald Where's Your Troosers?"
When this record was made, there were no people left alive from the Civil War, and I am having some trouble understanding the appeal to later generations of music-lovers. Perhaps I just don't have a decent appreciation for a good musket-loading song.
And finally, in case you were not aware, Snoopy's Christmas was all about raging late-stage-alcoholic German Santa dropping A-gifts on the world. What a Fokker!