I'm a pretty reasonable person, overall, and I don't lose my genial comportment over nothing. But HEY, when you cut me off on the road, GUY IN THE F-150, I tend to use the interior of my own vehicle as a safe harbor to hurl fiery invective your way. Sometimes the words I choose are classic, time-tested swears, but sometimes they are not, and never in the presence of the delicate ears of my highly-impressionable spawn. No, I think they should hear more unique lingual assassinations. So, today I have crafted for you twelve insult combos that should serve you well in the future. Please to enjoy, and DRIVE SAFELY!
1. Lizard-humping panty head
2. Fecal-minded goat fondler
3. Toad-eyed sweat sucker
4. Dung-munching drain swirler
5. Numbles-eating koala molester
6. Slurry-drinking sociopath trombonist
7. Dank-souled bean brain
8. Egg-soaked ass handle
9. Slow-witted fish popper
10. Vole-faced toilet hugger
11. Bloated-ego needle crotch
12. Single-celled Tea Partier