Man oh man oh man oh MAN, was I excited for this one! I had last seen my Florida friends Gabe, Diego, and Danny (otherwise known as the very cool garage punk band Jacuzzi Boys) and tour manager/bike maniac Rydel last January and they hadn't been up here since their Funhouse (RIP, dear clown-headed dive) gig two years ago. This time, in support of their new self-titled album on Seattle's own Hardly Art label, we found ourselves in the beautiful historic Neptune Theater, along with King Tuff and Wavves! Slam DUNK!
The day started off with an afternoon visit to the KEXP studios, where "The Boys" (which is how everyone I know in Florida refers to them) had a 4PM live broadcast scheduled. I was so happy to able to come into the studio control room to watch AND got to bring Miss Eleven along so she could give the guys a painting she made for them. She was terribly excited and a little nervous but everyone was so sweet to her and we had the best time. DJ Troy Nelson (of The Young Evils) did the interview section and told us how he attended Full Sail University in Florida but didn't really learn Pro Tools but did learn about Florida lightning storms. Go to KEXP archives to hear and watch the broadcast and see great photos soon! (As always, click on the photos to enlarge and click on the Flickr links for more!)
Jacuzzi Boys KEXP visit Flickr set 10/19/13
After sending Miss Eleven on her smiling way back home, there were super-quick trips to Guitar Center and the EMP to pick up a few things before heading over to the Neptune for load in and soundcheck. We all agreed that driving in Seattle was weird, but that Washington, D.C. was the worst, because yes it is. Don't do it.
I love soundchecks and the feeling of an empty venue getting ready to imminently host lots of pogoing young punks -- the air kind of crackles with anticipation. Security personnel and road-weary musicians might disagree with me, but I still get excited about all these things and suspect I always will.
The boys were getting rather frantic from hunger so we Yelped our way to the nearest U-District sushi place that could serve us in under an hour. We ordered a generous pile of rolls and miso soup and seaweed salad, and discussed the finer things in life over our steaming cups of green tea. Nobody trashed the joint or danced on the table, but there were a couple of outstanding road stories.
Back at the Neptune, I charged my phone and drank a PBR I stole from King Tuff (lo siento, King Tuff!) while Gabe, Diego, and Danny went in search of their evening libations and Rydel set up the merch table. It was very quiet way way way upstairs where the hospitality rooms are in the Neptune, but after a bit I heard someone singing and playing very nicely on a nylon string guitar. When the guys came back, we sat down with "The Human Jukebox," Old Gary from King Tuff, who astounded everyone with his ability to very competently play just about any song any of us could think of. How does anyone remember all those lyrics? All those chords? We all ended up singing along to the Kinks' "Shangri-La" and "Waterloo Sunset," which will be banked as one of those Nicest Moments Ever. Thank you, Old Gary. I like calling someone way younger than me, "Old Gary," by the way.
Whoops! It's five minutes to 8PM! Better quickly wobble down all those stairs and set up for the Jacuzzi Boys! They played a great set -- more muscular and confident than when I saw them at the Funhouse, and it was fun shooting from all over the house! I liked watching the kids bop their heads all together during "Double Vision" like they were connected by a single string.
Jacuzzi Boys Neptune Theater Flickr set 10/19/13
After running around and then saying hello to a bunch of friends and running back upstairs and running downstairs, I regrouped during King Tuff's set by taking just a coupla photos and actually allowing myself to sit and watch the show, which I loved. They blew up the place first thing with the incredibly-majestic "Anthem" and, seriously, it was kinda Tuffymania the rest of the time. I also discovered that Old Gary was super-skilled at drumstick twirling. He's winning the night, people!
King Tuff Neptune Theater Flickr set 10/19/13
I watched almost all of Wavves set from backstage, because it was extra fun watching the members of King Tuff and Jacuzzi Boys watching them! Seattle was the second-to-last stop on this particular tour combo and the guys were already a little bummed that the fun had to split up.
When I overheard that Gabriel was gonna do a stage dive, I hustled out onto the floor to catch it on video, and here it is! It's quite a leap, but I am not entirely sure if anyone caught him. I do know that he lived!
Wavves, "Idiot," Neptune Theater, Seattle, WA. 10/19/13
"Idiot" - Wavves, Neptune Theater, Seattle, WA. 10/19/13 from Marianne Sp on Vimeo.
Wavves Neptune Theater Flickr set 10/19/13
Both Gabe and Danny were going to dive during "King Of The Beach" but decided against it, as it was thought that perhaps they might be escorted out of the building on a permanent basis.
Wavves, "King of the Beach," Neptune Theater, Seattle, WA. 10/19/13
"King of the Beach" - Wavves, Neptune Theater, Seattle, WA. 10/19/13 from Marianne Sp on Vimeo.
And then the show was done, we sang some more backstage, we drank some more backstage, and some of us went home to sleep and some of us went...elsewhere! The whole day and night was a total blast, and I wouldn't change a thing about it. OK, other than stealing that PBR. Maybe.
Many thanks to Sarah Moody and Ruben Mendez at Hardly Art, everyone at KEXP, STG Presents, and the Neptune, Kitty Page, Wavves, King Tuff, and most of all, Gabe, Diego, Danny, and Rydel!!! The best!!