There is a stretch of road on the way back to my house from picking the kids up from school that vexes me every DAY. Every single DAY, as the two lanes heading south merge to one lane, I always stay in the left lane, for the CLEARLY MARKED SIGN says "RIGHT LANE ENDS - MERGE LEFT." And every single day, some BONEHEADED DING DONG stays in the right lane, forcing all the cars in the left lane to brake hard to accommodate this tool's inability to interpret a road sign or worse, total lack of caring about a road sign.
Anyway, today as yet another asshat barreled his way past me to get another TEN FEET AHEAD, OH BOY, nearly causing another accident, Miss Eleven noticed something.
"Mom, why is it that so many bad drivers are in either very tall trucks or very low tiny cars?"
Mr15 laughed. I smiled.
"Well," I replied, "I think maybe their choices overall might be not so good. The cars are just one more bad choice."
"Don't they feel that horrible metal scraping sound when those little cars hit the bottom of the road? I hate that noise!"
"And monster trucks have a super-high center of gravity, so they tip over really easily," interjected Mr15.
"Yup," I agreed.
"Does anyone need to have a truck that tall or a car that low?" Miss Eleven asked.
"No. Neither one of them are safe for everyday driving." I replied.
"They are just trying to be manly," Mr15 opined.
"FAIL!" Miss Eleven yelled.