My pal Deb and I made a run up to lovely Edmonds, Washington to visit a couple of sweet thrifters in the last hours of 2013. Not ONLY did I get a new puffy winter jacket for ten bucks, GUESS WHAT? There were MORE weird record albums to find! Oh, The so wacky! Please to enjoy, and Happy New Year!
Do you wonder, sometimes, if everyone back then was just HIGH?
This sales-motivation record wants to inspire you to capitalistic greatness with the promise of the champagne wishes and caviar dreams that only a candelabra can represent.
And if you are successful, you might have a home like George and "Jacques" here.
I could spend days wondering about the person who went into his or her local record store and, out of all the options there, chose to come home with an LP by The Fink Family Handbell Ringers. DAYS.
I think Big Ben Boden's Polish picnic sucks because I don't see any kielbasa.
Just asking: have YOU ever been to a party with big band zither music? Well, me neither.
Oh, Mr. Fogelberg... just in looking at the Little Orphan Annie eyes, the shackled man-hands, and the Stevie-Nicks-vibe overall, that is one REALLY terrible piece of cover art there.
I believe that shortly after this photograph of Neil was taken, his hair was classified as an uncontrolled organic growth nuisance, much like kudzu.
If you have ANY idea about what is going on here, you just let me know, OK? Is that woman "Harry Taylor?" Is she the giant physical manifestation of human love? Is this a Christian record? A Jewish record? Is the guy on the left thinking about sliding down her cleavage and going, "WHEEEE?" Why was it recorded in a department store? Wow!
Glen here kind of reminds me of the "NO" bear.
Does Dean play the lantern?
Ah, Marjoe.
I am actually imagining that Rex has cows for hands.
Ah ha!! Rex doesn't have cow hands! He has a HORSE HAND!
Oh, brother. The success of the abominable Chipmunks led to many imitators, because anyone can speed up vocals on tape. I hope these bear cubs were hungry.
Let's NOT.
OK, now what?
Look!!! Donny had a PORN 'STACHE!
There's a time, there's a moment...but not for these folks.
And finally, there's nothing that gets me more in the mood to square dance than a comic drawing of a guy getting ready to hurl over an unattractive dance partner!