Oh, MAN. This was an intense thrifting experience, to say the least! This store, close to Miami's Little Haiti neighborhood, was SO busy! People here were serious shoppers, even waiting at the work bay doors for more huge carts to be wheeled out from the back as to pick through them even before the workers could get things on the shelves! Carts pushing everywhere! AIEEE! But I persevered through the record bins for YOU! Here's today South Florida selection of silliness! Please to enjoy!

This should've been called "The BAD Surprise Box." Yeesh!


If this is the good life, I'm going for the Bad Surprise Box.

What the hell kind of expression is that?? Anita is either gazing at eternal divine paradise or is full of happy mushrooms.

You work all your life to be a fine musician, and some ass-clown writes "Background music" on your holiday record.

 "Organ moods," uh huh huh huh huh huh huh.

 Dang, Al! Settle your face down!!

"Come on and zoom zoom zooma zoom..." My apologies to anyone who remembers the PBS "Zoom" series, because now that theme song will rattle inside your brain until you expire.

I bet this guy was a RIOT.

 Ladies and gentlemen, the current leaders of the free world.

 Enjoy a beverage with LÃ¥dan!!


 "Current supplied by Marty Gold," uh huh huh huh huh huh huh.

These fans of Germany have some pretty groovy fashions going on. Lederhosen4Life!

 Please to explain the cha cha cha for these college nerds from 1938.

Now, if the record was this cover too and it would spin around with the the spindle through his nose, I would watch it go around forever and ever.


 No one was expecting the harp.


You didn't know you needed Christian music done Hawaiian style by two white dudes, right?

Was your life ever this epic? NO.

 A little light music to cheer you.

"This belly dancer makes me want to grip my clarinet!" UH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH.

 I used to have Madame Alexander dolls when I was a kid, but am stumped as to what might be on this album. Also, what's in her hair??

And finally, I really like the idea of these guys just showing up at my house. Of course, I would then have to tase them.