The bluest sky you've ever seen, in Seattle
I find the sun to warm me
Bleach away the pain
The unfairness of it!
A perfect couple pulled apart
Sweat and tears, salt in my eyes
She is gone.
I look up
There is no Big Guy there for me
But there is something, a presence
So many hearts connected
Love and grief thrown into the air
On a beautiful day.
We start to navigate our loss
Together, this way.
I know there was nothing I could do.
I know there was nothing anyone could do.
I know
I know
I know
I know
I know
I know
And it still doesn't make me feel any better
Because admitting we are helpless
Is just too much.
It's too much.
And hills the greenest green, in Seattle
I wish she could see it today.
I wish she could dance on the grass.
I wish
So very much
On a beautiful day.
When you find your own true love, you will know it
She did!
They did!
And that love bought her time
And made her fearless
And there wasn't a heart that they didn't touch
So many beautiful days!
She is gone
And she is not!
And if you knew her, you would know
She is a part of us, a gift.
We are better and stronger
Because she was better and stronger
And that will be passed on and on
Seeds in the air, wildflowers blooming in an endless spring
And that is so damn beautiful
That I have to smile.