Here's the question I have in my mind today: did ancient peoples have knick-knacks? You know what I, did The McHuttersons collect turtle shells to display or did the Swampsteins paint rocks to look like big-eyed wild boar with stain made from berries? I don't think I have to even research this: SURE THEY DID. People love their crap! Here's some more from Le Thrifte Shoppe, with a few oddball books thrown in for good measure. Please to enjoy!
UH OH! America the Eagle is swooping down on poor little Third-World Chicken again! Somebody get the hose!
If you cannot tell in the photo, the item that holds the cigarettes is a tiny porcelain toilet with a tiny wooden lid. Why.
I'm guessing by this figure's expression, that little dude building the snowman down there just cut the cheese.
Ooh, what's next? "Issues in Macramé?" ""Lanyards Today?" "Needlepoint News?"
That birthday Matthew got a gold plate from Grandma and Grandpa instead of something way, way, way cooler, which would have been anything else in the world.
I'm all for Girl Power, but I am doubting that this candle is a useful step in achieving feminine self-determination, unless it were lit under the asses of five particular male Supreme Court justices.
Oh, dear. No.
Go away.
Uh huh huh huh huh huh..."all organs."
Hyperthyroid Cat is JITTERY.
This is a music box. I didn't have the heart to listen to whatever incredibly-offensive-to-Native-Americans song it might be.
Oh CRAP. A clown with a CLUB??? What's up with THAT?
Fifi the Deerlet is HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS.
No worries that any women will try to get in, no worries at all.
Oh CRAP! The clown with the club is headed over to the docile seal! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
The odds are fully 100% that this once contained some seriously vile-smelling men's cologne.
"OOooooOOOoooOOOoohhh," said Mr. Acorn.
Say your humble kitchen prayer...and then go to VEGAS! OH YEAH!
OK, now regretting I didn't buy the "Giddy Female Fan With Fabio" glitter snowglobe.
The Turtle Family was, inexplicably, sold when I went back to the store a few days later.
I guess we can see how that all worked out.
I never realized that the actual Grammar Nazi was such a goofy-looking dude.
And finally, I cannot tell you what this is (an ashtray? a candy dish?) or WHY it exists, but it now belongs to me. OMG.