How do you fit a big pile o' punks into a rather compact record store in Capitol Hill? Well, you don't quite, but no matter -- the overflow crowd at Spin Cycle Records there to see SSDD (Steal Shit Do Drugs) spilled out onto the sidewalk and caught the vibe from there. Everyone was in great spirits to help SSDD (Kennedy Carda, vocals; Erika Mayfield, bass; Pete Capponi, drums; Kimberly Morrison, guitar) celebrate the release of "First Comes Money," their debut cassette recording on Help Yourself Records. Buzz is HIGH for SSDD and it's well-deserved -- they are not EFFING AROUND, and you can hear that for yourself on "First Comes Money." Frontman Carda, in the spirit of the iconic Iggy Pop, commits 100%, which is something you don't see/hear all that often and it's something I admire and DIG DIG DIG. This is GOOD, and GOOD FOR YOU, people. Buy this cassette and headbang your cares away. That's what I do. SSDD rules.
The band ran through a tight set under the glow of red lights and rosé, and those of us inside the store nodded and moved as best we could under equally-tight circumstances. Click on the photos to enlarge, and click on the Flickr set link should you be so inclined as well. Thanks SSDD, Spin Cycle, and Help Yourself!
SSDD, Spin Cycle Records, Seattle, WA. 7/15/15 Flickr set link