Ahoy and avast ye landlubbers! OK, now that we have all the nautical lingo I know out of the way, let's put away our scrimshaw for a moment to enjoy these photos of salty sailors, wimps! Brought to us lucky listeners by Do206 and Goose Island Brewery, Rachel, Matt, and Dave played their little hearts out while we concurrently enjoyed refreshing beer and tasty burgers hot off the grill in the glorious early evening sunshine at the completely charming Center For Wooden Boats.
To my knowledge, no one was forced to walk the plank into Lake Union, the Coast Guard was not alerted, there were no creepy fake pirates with stuffed parrots in attendance, and the Love Boat is making another run, somewhere.
Click on the photos to enlarge and clink on the Flickr set link if you wanna!
wimps, The Center For Wooden Boats, Seattle Flickr set 7/14/15