Last night, as I sat on the steps of the sweet little Bill & Melinda Gates Amphitheater overlooking very tall modern art and listening to two of our finest punk bands while the late-summer sun slowly slid down in a peachy glow, I said to a friend, "I don't know why we'd ever live anywhere else." That really was the vibe last night as wimps and Pony Time closed out the musical portion of the Seattle Art Museum's "Summer At SAM" series -- everyone seemed so happy to be in such a lovely place, having such a good time. "Everyone," in this case, ranged from fuchsia-haired teens to moneyed art folk to adorable preschoolers busting serious dance moves to suburban mom photographers with a penchant for excellent garage music. The latter person appreciated the daylight and excellent weather and the opportunity to shoot what I think will end up being some of my favorite photos of the year.