I like to think of my forays into the dust and must of the thrift stores as cultural archaeology. I would also like to think, if I were sufficiently motivated and waved handfuls of cash around, that I could convince a credible university to let me design a master's degree program in American Thrift Store Studies. Other than taking on the crippling debt, it would almost be worth doing. But for today, here's some more old crap. Please to enjoy!
No, there's nothing creepy about this skull-bisected cookie jar clown. WAIT A MINUTE, YES THERE IS!! AIEEE!
Don't give in, Leon! I hope he's still walking around continually surrounded by a rainbow, like it's NBD.
I have just now taken the vital signs of White Heart, and have pronounced their career DOA.
Kicks just keep gettin' harder to find...except in the thrift bin.
I'm going to assume the melodies are solely made of up assorted-size Tupperware burps. USA USA USA!
Someone at Goodwill doesn't like Traveler 1.
Drunk or blind? Or blind drunk?
You only WISH you had the powder-blue swag of the Polkatoons!
Back in the '70s, inhalation of tiny drug planes was a serious social problem.
This is
And finally, this flower/wart encrusted pig, more than Altamont, signaled the death of the '60s.