The crazy-ass windstorm that blasted through the Pacific Northwest this past weekend decided, FOR ONCE, not to knock out my electricity nor impede my mobility! Furthermore, said storm calmed its bad self down by Sunday, and I was off to see a fabulous sold-out triple-bill at The Crocodile in Belltown starring California post-punk rave-up get-down maniacs Thee Oh Sees and locals Steal Shit Do Drugs and Smiling. To be fair, even if the windstorm had been in full force I think I would've swam across Lake Washington with a ducky float to get there, 'cause you don't miss the Oh Sees when they come to town. You just don't.
First up, hardcore locals Smiling tore through their set with not one second of loitering about, no chatting about holidays in Cabo or Capitol Hill micro-condos, nothing but down-to-business thrash, which was good and proper and yes. Of particular note was their drummer, who I believe is part-hummingbird/part-industrial wood chipper/part-genius. Watch the video and you'll understand.
I love Steal Shit Do Drugs. Their songs stick in my head like a smudged-ink word hangover, repeating messages of what happens we have too much, or too little, or can't even tell one from the other. You won't find a more compelling frontman than Kennedy Carda, nor a more relevant band.
Unfortunately, I missed most of SSDD's set since I was tagged and slated for demolition by the club for not having a photo wristband, which I did receive with kind assistance from the excellent Elaine Grabicki who intervened on my behalf, and who was not boiling and fuming as I was and therefore more effective.
After I was examined for structural defects and mold and deemed fit to move freely about the club, I was able to enjoy the excellent work of DJs Dazzleshits and Xeroid, who both have excellent musical taste and combined could easily conquer the world. They are also just terribly good-looking humans.
I was really struggling down at the front of the stage to get even a single shot (I am short and it was jam-packed by Oh Sees time) and the view spots in the balcony were already taken. Here's where heroes Pete Capponi of SSDD and Shaina from the Croc swooped in to save the day, and beckoned me over to the side to climb up the darkened stairs to photograph from behind the backstage curtain. This is like giving a cool glass of ice water to a crawling desert nomad, and was so very appreciated.
When I last saw the band at the Crocodile in December 2014, the personnel changes had been profound -- only vocalist/guitarist/songwriter John Dwyer remained from a long-lasting and beloved lineup, and Nick Murray and Tim Hellman came on board, drums and bass respectively. This time, John and Tim remain, and Ryan Motinho and Dan Rincon are in place as dual drummers. I gotta say, I really, really like this -- I liked when the Oh Sees had Mike Shoun and Lars Finberg doubling up the drums for about a year, too. It better matches Dwyer's jaw-dropping energy and giant sound, and delivers a primal heavy backbeat that is irresistible.
The best thing to watching a show from the wings is seeing the reactions from the crowd, which is a very different feeling than when you are in it. You see the waves of energy spread and morph, the beatific sweaty superfans braving the shoves and elbows and flung beer at the front, the smiles and cheers when a favorite song explodes from the stage. You can see why musicians put up with the bullshit that they do to be able to experience this.
I'm Marianne Spellman. I am in Seattle-ish. I like and make music and words and photos and videos and coffee and have crappy eyesight, like every other blogger. I do freelance thingies for cool people and places every so often.
How To Choose A Democrat Nominee For President in 2020: 1. Candidate Aligns With Your Personal Values 2. Candidate Is Personable and Well-Funded 3. Candidate Is Maybe Not An Old White Man 4. Candidate Is Of Fine Character 5. The Person Who Will Beat The Orange Moron So Thoroughly That He Will Deflate Into A Gooey Melted Circus Peanut
"Twenty Feet From Stardom" film (June 4, 2013 via Facebook): "We love this review!!"
Ko Melina, The Dirtbombs, SIRIUS XM Underground Garage DJ (September 6, 2012, via Twitter): "Awesome #Bumbershoot photos of the @DirtbombsBand by @mariannesp..."
Kathy Valentine, The Go-Gos (August 23, 2011, via Twitter):
"Cool blog review & candid concert pics that capture the day perfectly!"
Bill Oglesby , Saxophonist, "Coronado," Deerhunter, Halcyon Digest (February 16, 2011, via YouTube):
"Hi Marianne, I'm the sax player on this cut and I've been enjoying this wonderful video collage that you put together for months.
I consider it quite an honor that you chose Illinois Jacquet to represent me not that I would compare my playing to his in any way, but Jacquet was a real soul-cat.
Thank you."
Keith Gordon, Co-Star & WM BFF, "Winnebago Man" (July 11, 2010, via Facebook):
Without doubt, the BEST and only original music with 'Bago bytes remix ever done. So this is what I get to hear swirling around in my head for the next few days? Welcome aboard; I'm delighted!"
Joel Heller, Producer, "Winnebago Man" (July 11, 2010, via Facebook):
"We love your song Marianne."
Ira Robbins, Trouser Press (March 20, 2010, via Facebook):
"great piece of writing. i liked the film better and the band less, but no matter. this is top-notch cultural criticism. give this woman a job!"
Chris Walter (Feb. 15, 2010, via Diarrhea Island):
"Nice piece, thank you. And thanks to Graham. I think all the photographers had a great time up there, it is an excellent book and exhibition.
Graham Nash (Feb. 8, 2010, via Diarrhea Island):
"Thanks so much for your very perceptive review of the show at the EMP...... Let's not forget to give thanks to Paul Allen and the people of Seattle for supporting the arts....
Again, well done."
John Cleese (Nov. 4, 2009, via Facebook):
"Nice review of the show by a real person."
God (Aug. 28, 2009, via Twitter):
"Listen, honey, if you weren't a chick you would so be smote right now."
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