I recently acquired an early-'90s Leica Mini point-and-shoot 35mm film camera that used to belong to my dad, along with several unused rolls of Kodak Gold 200 film, which also expired in the early '90s, like my dad. What does one do with such things? One takes them to a fine Seattle punk rock show at Chop Suey, that's what! An experiment in imaging, to be sure -- I didn't really know if the camera would work or how well, and of course expired film is a complete crapshoot: you know there will be changes, as film degrades over time, but you don't know exactly what they might be. The answers are below! You may click on the photos to enlarge or view them in Flickr.
I would mention that the show was utterly awesome and filled with mirth and mayhem, and that you would be very happy to find yourself in the possession of any or all of the new releases by Pony Time (Rumours Two: The Rumours Are True), wimps (Suitcase), and Night Boss (S/T).
Night Boss, Chop Suey, Seattle WA 4/24/16 Flickr set