I frequently reflect on the very good luck that I am a small part of one of the best music communities in the world. I don't hesitate for a moment to claim that Seattle is not only bursting with excellent bands, but fosters a climate of mutual artistic support and acceptance. This support remarkably and graciously extends to the visual artists who make rad gig posters or album covers, music photographers (like me), and sound men like Jim Anderson. Jim began working in Seattle in 1981, spending many years as the in-house audio guy at the Crocodile. He quickly became known for his dedication to excellence as well as his kindness to all, touring pros or absolute beginners.
When Jim fell ill with liver cancer earlier this year, Seattle rallied to help him, including a benefit show by Northwest garage rock legends The Sonics, Girl Trouble, and The Boss Martians at Slim's Last Chance in Georgetown. Jim being Jim, he worked his own benefit show, and of course, it sounded fantastic. I was so happy to be there to help contribute and document the night. If you would like to send a few bucks Jim's way and learn more about what a cool guy he is, please visit the GoFundMe page that has been set up for him. Keep rockin', Jim, you are loved.
(Click on the photos to enlarge and click on the Flickr links for more)