What do you do when the building that hosts your supercool Seattle printing business/performance space is going to be TORN DOWN by developers within days? You host a couple of fun show nights, that's what, and say bye bye in smashing style. Ink Knife Press will survive n' thrive close by, which is great news, as so many creative businesses and artists are feeling the effects of our area's real estate frenzy and leaving for far-away digs that won't leave them in constant panic that they won't be able to cover the ever-increasing rents. ANYWAY, I was able to attend last Friday night's bash, brought my camera, and now I share this visually-informative post with YOU. Please to enjoy. (Click on the photos to enlarge and click on the Flickr set links for more and such!)
I arrived for the last bit of Bacteria's set and was able to grab a few photos. This local trio has a jitter-spastic No Wave cool sound that could've come straight off a crinkly Flexipop 45 in '81 instead of '18! Check them out!
Bacteria, Ink Knife Press, Seattle, WA. 4/20/18 Flickr set link
Next up was Mattress, a man with a plan (and drum machine) from the hippest town in the USA, Portland, Oregon. His Elvis-gold suit perfectly fit his Wave Lounge vibe, and he good-naturedly mixed it up with the audience and headliners Stallion...to quite an eventual effect! Grabbed a mini vid!
Mattress, Ink Knife Press, Seattle, WA. 4/20/18 Flickr set link
The show was going along well when the band had decided they had had ENOUGH of trash talk from Mattress, and said SEE YA to his equipment! This photographer was caught off guard by these actions but our friend Danielle Oakley was ON IT and captured the crazy action on video! WHOA!