Post Punk? Pre Punk? No Wave? Nein Wave? Avant Garde? Savant Garde? Phhhhht, I say, to labels, on my way to see legendary/infamous X__X (Ex Blank Ex) on their nationwide tour, and Seattle's own Tissue and DYED at the good ol' Funhouse. On this night I am treated to humans in their '20s to humans in their retirement years (haha, just joking, no one gets to retire anymore!) taking genres and booting them out the Funhouse door, any expectations landing with an inglorious splat onto I-5. A small but enthusiastic crowd cheered on each set while I took pictures for you. Extra-special thanks to X__X's Craig Bell!
Please check out each band via the links above, support live music, and click on each photo to enlarge and click on the Flickr set links for more. Click on and please to enjoy!
DYED, Funhouse, Seattle, WA. 5/15/18 Flickr set link